
Excursion to the archipelagos : the beaches circuit

You will discover throughout this excursion the neighbouring islets of Nosy Be, who are more beautiful than the others. Each islet has its peculiarity, you will be amazed every step of the excursion, which is considered a must for any tourist who visits Nosy Be.

Nosy Tanikely

Nosy Tanikely and its marine park awaits you ! The site is known world-wide for its exceptional biodiversity, find yourself enchanted by the place's beauty. Dive into a translucent water where all kind of fishes swim among corals. It is a trip to...

Nosy Komba

Nosy Komba, which means "the island surrounded by rocks" is Nosy Be's Archipelago's 2nd main island. The island is well-known due to the lemurs it shelters, who are considered sacred. Discover its great landscapes as well as the many activities...

Nosy Iranja

Nosy Iranja is one the most well-known island of Nosy Be's archipelage and amazes every visitor who experience its wide stretches of white sand. The place is of unique beauty and offers many activities.