saut de baleine cetamada madagascar

An unforgettable meeting with the whales of Madagascar

Every year from June to September, the humpback whales migrate off the northeast coasts of Madagascar to mate and give birth. You will be able to go on board in small groups to observe these impressive marine mammals arriving by hundreds.

Humpback whale

Humpback whale observation : a unique experience

It’s from June onwards that you will observe the majestic ballet of humpback whales. After thousands of kilometers , they arrive in the Madagascar’s hot tropical waters for the mating season. You will be able to attend the incredible mating dances of males for their females: jumps, strikes of fins, rises out of water,… And if you are lucky, perhaps you will attend the moving birth of a calf, and his first life lesson with his mother. A unique experience awaits you !

observation baleine a bosse madagascar

saut baleines a bosse madagascar

How to recognize humpback whales ?

Recognizable by its back completely black, and its whitish belly, the humpback whale is mostly characterized by its head and its jaw which are covered with small protuberances called tubercles.

observation baleine a bosse madagascar

A lot of kilometers travelled by the humpback whales


After spending half the year to feed, the humpback whales leave the Antarctic polar coasts to join the tropical seas of Madagascar. They are seperated in two groups, one will go to the West coast (Nosy be) and the other to the East coast (Sainte Marie Island and the Atongil bay).

Whale sharks

Swim with the biggest fish in the world !

Get on board to live an incredible experience : swimming with the mythical whale shark.

Completely harmless, just put on your mask, palm and snorkel, and find yourself in the company of this mastondont that can reach up to 15 meters long. Sensation guaranteed !

It is a unique and accessible experience. Even if you are not a great swimmer, the settings in the water are adapted to each. But if you rather like, you can also simply watch them from the boat, this will remain an unforgettable memory.

How to recognize whale sharks ?

The whale shark has a very unique and rather original morphology. Large mouth, eyes on side and a brown body dotted with small white spots lined up.

Where to watch whale sharks ?

Off the coast of Nosy Be, get on board for a day filled with emotion. Morning is dedicated to the launching with the whale sharks and the afternoon is dedicated to diving with the green sea turtles.

A unique experience you won’t forget !

bateau ecotourisme madagascar

Eco-responsible tourism

Whale watching is carried out in a supervised context. The CétaMada association has thus created a charter of good behavior for the responsible and respectful observation of the marine mammals in Madagascar. In this way, be assured to live this unique experience in the utmost respect of the local fauna.

Where to watch humpback whales ?

In small organized groups, with your mate or with the family, you can observe them off the coast of Sainte Marie island, the Antongil’s Bay and Nosy Be. During a catamaran trip, a surfing session or a canoe trip, there are so many oportunities to meet these giants of the seas. Cruises are also specifically organized in order to make you live an unforgettable experience of a whale encounter.