
Observation of stingrays and mobulas

Those creatures with enigmatic looks offeer an impressive show. During their groupings, the rays make a surprising ballet when they throw themselves out of the water and beat their fins like birds. Manta rays and mobulas are fascinating species to discover during your boat cruises and diving trips !

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A never-ending aquatic ballet

If you look for a dream destination to learn more about rays, Nosy Be is made for you. Its archipelago made of small islets and the quality of its water (shallow and full of fish) promises you a grand submarine show. Besides the tortoises and the sharks, the ray, called the “big young lady” will delight divers. The archipelago counts a significant number of manta rays and mobula which offer an incredible underwater silent ballet.

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Good to know

The austral winter (April to November) is the best time to go diving and discover the sea bed. Sites are easily reachable and there are plentiful rays. Avoid the rainy season if you can (from January to March).

Manta rays

The manta ray, also called the “sea devil”, is a fish species which span can go up to 7 m and its weight up to 2 tons. At the same time fascinating and graceful, you will be amazed in front of this rather sociable and unusual animal, which lives along cliffs and around islands.

Mobula mantas

The mobula manta looks a lot like its cousin the manta ray but distinguishes itself by its mouth which is underneath its body. Its span can go up to 5 m and weight up to 1 ton. Maybe will you have the opportunity to see their spectacular jumps out of the water.